Saturday, August 22, 2009


Who doesn't like chocolate? Everyone loves chocolate!!I might be a bit bias here, but I'm sure most of us like it once we have a bite of chocolate.Have you ever wonder how to make your own chocolate truffle? It is not hard, just need a bit of love and patient. Chocolate truffles are usually expensive, they are traditionally made with ganache ( fresh cream + dark chocolate ) coated with chocolate or anything from nuts to dried fruits. I decided to sign up for a chocolate workshop to master the skill of making a perfect chocolate truffle. It was a good experience and the truffles that I made turned out very nice.Hint hint** It is a perfect gift ideas as well, especially for your special one.However, for the price of AUD 130 to attend this workshop, I find it a bit expensive. I could have done it on my own with a recipe.


  1. barista training and chocolate workshop apart from work...seems like your life is pretty busy there :P

  2. hey ying shee..choc lover eh ..haha
